My name is Sarah, and I am in love with all things crafty, but especially knitting, crocheting, and embroidery. I’ve been knitting and crocheting for about 15 years, ever since my freshman year of high school (I was the coolest teenager ever).
My family is full of creative people. Growing up, my mom was the ~Queen~ of school party crafts. She made Christmas ornaments and favors from fun foam, baked super fun cookies, made me plastic canvas Barbie furniture – anything crafty, she did it. I think I definitely got the creative gene from her side of the family.
My uncle (my mom’s brother) who passed away when I was a little girl, also crocheted. He made everyone in our family color block blankets – we lovingly call them our “Uncle Steve blankets”.
My aunt (my mom’s sister) taught me how to crochet one summer. She is the cook and baker of our little family, and she always made pretty crochet blankets with ruffly edges for new babies.
So, armed with a new set of hooks and several skeins of Red Heart Super Saver variegated yarn, I started on my very first crochet blanket. It probably took me a good six months or more to finish it. I didn’t weave in ends, I just snipped them off and kept going. Even rows? What’s that? I didn’t have a lot of technical knowledge (and to be honest, I’m still learning something new everyday!) but it didn’t stop me.
I fell completely in love with creating things out of yarn, and the rest is history.
Fast forward to today, I try my hand at making anything and everything. I’m the person who goes shopping and says, “I’m not buying that because I can make it.”
I decided to start this blog as a way to share my creations with the world – I’m pretty sure my immediate family and friends are tired of hearing, “Look what I made!” or “Do you need a new scarf?” I also want to keep track of my crafting journey through photos and tutorials. I want to be able to look back years from now and see how much I’ve grown as a maker.
I am so excited to share my projects and crafting journey with you. I hope you enjoy my blog and maybe pick up some helpful crafting tips!