For Christmas, my little sister requested that I make her girlfriend an SSDGM hat. If you don’t know what SSDGM means, you’re probably not a fan of the podcast My Favorite Murder. It’s a true crime comedy podcast hosted by two women who talk openly about life, mental health, overcoming issues of all kinds, and most importantly, murder! (please read as: mare-dare a la Karen Kilgariff)
They mix up the gruesome details with a bit of humor (not at the expense of victims, very important to note) and it’s AMAZING. Their catchphrase is “Stay Sexy, and Don’t Get Murdered!”
Words to live by.
Anyways, like my sister’s girlfriend, I’m a huge Murderino. A Murderino is, for the uninitiated, a term for fans of true crime and My Favorite Murder. So obviously I jumped at the opportunity to stitch up something MFM-related for her!
It’s a basic knit double brim hat with a fun faux fur pompom and SSDGM in the middle!

Here’s the chart (thank you

**Full Pattern Coming Soon** but for now, enjoy the chart! 🙂